Drying equipment series
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QG, JG, FG series airflow dryers
Airflow dryer is a large-scale drying equipment that adopts the principle of instant drying. It utilizes the rapid movement of hot air to drive wet materials and suspend them in the hot air, thereby strengthening the entire drying process and improving the rate of heat and mass transfer.
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Product Overview

  QG series pulse air dryer is a large batch of drying equipment. It adopts the principle of instant drying.a.jpgIt uses the rapid movement of the hot air to drive the wet materials and make the wet materials suspended in the hot air. This strengthens the whole drying process, improves the heat and mass transfer rate, and the materials dried by air flow, Non-bonded moisture can be almost completely removed (for example, the moisture content of materials such as starch is less than or equal to 40%, and the finished product discharge can be 13.5%), and the dried materials will not deteriorate. The output can be significantly improved than that of ordinary dryers, and users can obtain higher economic benefits in a short time.

Product features

  QG airflow dryer is applicable to the drying and dehumidification of powdery materials in pharmaceutical, chemical, food, building materials, plastics and other industries, such as starch, fish meal, salt, distiller's grains, feed, gluten, plastic resin, mineral powder, pulverized coal, saccharic acid, A · S · C benzoic acid, 2 · 3 · acid, polychloroacetic acid polypropylene, sodium sulfate, sodium pyrosulfite and other materials.

  Our company consults with the outside about the airflow drying equipment, and designs and manufactures the amorphous airflow dryer on behalf of us.

Scope of application

  The company produces and manufactures QG airflow drying equipment, introduces American technical equipment, and has reached the international level through unique design. The whole equipment of this product has high automation, low investment, low energy consumption, less manpower and workshop area, and is widely used. It is an ideal modern equipment.

Working principleb.jpg

  Air drying can quickly remove water (mainly surface water) from particles and powder materials that are easy to be dehydrated. In air flow drying, the quality of the dried product is controlled due to the short residence time of the material in the dryer. Our factory's enhanced air flow drying is composed of a set of intensifiers with stepless speed adjustment added to the basic type. The wet materials enter the intensifier through the spiral feeder and are fully mixed with the hot air flow. Under the impact and propulsion of the rapidly rotating knife, the materials are broken into fine particles, which move towards the outlet while drying, and finally enter the drying pipe under the wind force to further evenly dry. The wet and heavy particles that cannot be attracted by the wind continue to be broken and dried until they can be sucked up by the wind into the drying tube.

Main purpose  

  This machine is especially suitable for materials with high moisture content, which are paste like wet materials and can not be dried by other air drying methods, such as white carbon black, copolymer of vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride, cellulose acetate floc, catalyst, C.M.C, CT-1 resin, forged gypsum, electrolytic manganese dioxide, ammonium anthraquinone sulfonate, fluorspar, diatomite, silica gel catalyst, bone powder, high territory, potassium perchlorate sulphonate drugs, synthetic resin Active gluten, active clay, chemical filter cake, rutile diamond powder, sebacic acid, copper sulfate, aluminum sulfate, sodium sulfate, calcium phosphate, phosphate esterified starch, dye, calcium citrate, coal slime, bread filling rice bran, clay, clay cement, urea, bentonite, spherical clay, aluminum hydroxide, barium hydroxide, calcium lactate, food, water washed high territory, cyanuric acid, gypsum slurry, lime, biological products Carbon black, calcium carbonate pulp, sludge residue, organic chemical aluminum stearate, iron oxide, organic fuel, corn protein feed, wet mud, mica powder, medicament, pigment, potassium dichromate pulp, distiller's grains residue, etc.

Working principle

  The working principle of FG series dryer is to complete the drying of wet materials in two steps. The raw materials are first dried by the mixture of the tail gas from the secondary drying and the hot gas supplement under the primary positive pressure. The used high temperature and low humidity tail gas is discharged from the machine. The dried semi-finished products are dried by the fresh hot air under the secondary negative pressure. Measurement and packaging of dried finished products. The used high temperature and low humidity tail gas is used as primary drying, thus completing a good circulation drying process. The amount of added hot air can be adjusted as needed, so the machine has wide applicability.


Applicable materials

  This equipment is used for drying powder and granular materials in food, chemical, pharmaceutical, building materials and other industries. The products that have been dried with this series include starch, glucose, fish powder, granulated sugar, sugar, wine tank, feed, gluten, plastic resin, coal powder, dye, etc.

Water evaporationkg/h501002505001500
Air filterArea(m²)46183660
Number of units11122
Replacement time(h)200(filter-bag)200(filter-bag)200(filter-bag)200(filter-bag)200(filter-bag)
Steam consumption(kg)1202354509722430
Working pressure(Mpa)0.6-0.80.6-0.80.6-0.80.6-0.80.6-0.8
Number of units11124
FeederConveying capacity(kg/h)15029072517404350
Control modeElectromagnetic speed regulating motorElectromagnetic speed regulating motorElectromagnetic speed regulating motorElectromagnetic speed regulating motorElectromagnetic speed regulating motor
Cyclone separatorPowerCLK-350-400CLK-500-450ZF12.5ZF12.5 
Bag filterQuantity111 1
Water consumption3.6-20.0

ModelEvaporated moisture kg/h
(Calculated by surface moisture)
Installed power kwArea covered m²Altitude m
JG 505010209
JG 100100203211
JG 200*200314011
JG 250250326413
JG 500*500549613
JG 1000*100013512015
JG 1500*150017520016
Note: Those marked with * refer to secondary drying, installed power and floor area are calculated by steam heating.

Evaporated moisture (kg/h)
Installed power  kw
Area covered  m²
Thermal efficiency (%)
Link: Detail-pro-18.html
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Contact person: Mr. Gao Dingtao (General Manager)
Mobile phone: 13626243889, 18961413889
Phone: 0519-88900618 88906318
Fax: 0519-88904368
Email: ml@mlgzsb.com
Address: No. 78 Changzheng Road, Dongshu Village, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou City
Changzhou Mingliu Drying Equipment Co., Ltd .© All Rights Reserved.
