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BXPG series closed circulation spray dryer
The closed cycle spray drying system works in a closed environment. The drying medium is inert gas, usually N2, which is suitable for drying materials containing toxic gas or materials prone to oxidation during the drying process.
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  The closed cycle spray drying system works in a closed environment. The drying medium is inert gas, usually N2, which is suitable for drying materials containing toxic gas or materials prone to oxidation during the drying process; The system uses inert gas as the circulating gas, which has a protective effect on dry materials. The circulating gas undergoes the process of carrying and removing moisture, and the medium can be reused; After being heated by a heater, nitrogen enters the drying tower, and the liquid material is transported to the centrifugal nozzle by a screw pump. The liquid is atomized into droplets by a high-speed circulating atomizer, and the heat and mass exchange process is completed in the drying tower. The dried powdered material is discharged from the bottom of the tower, and the evaporated organic solvent gas, under the negative pressure of the fan, passes the dust sandwiched in the gas through a cyclone separator The saturated organic solvent gas after dust removal in the spray tower is condensed into a liquid and discharged from the condenser. The non condensable gas medium is continuously heated and reused as a drying carrier in the system. The conventional conventional centrifugal spray drying achieves the purpose of moisture removal through continuous air supply and exhaust, which is also an obvious difference between explosion-proof closed centrifugal spray drying equipment and conventional centrifugal spray drying equipment; The drying medium in the drying system is N2, and the internal operation is under positive pressure to maintain a certain positive pressure value. If the internal pressure drops, the pressure transmitter automatically controls the amount of N2 input to ensure system pressure balance.

Structure diagram


Dry powder recovery rate
Residual solvents in the product
System oxygen content
Electrical explosion-proof
Equipment system
Positive pressure state
Link: Detail-pro-56.html
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Contact person: Mr. Gao Dingtao (General Manager)
Mobile phone: 13626243889, 18961413889
Phone: 0519-88900618 88906318
Fax: 0519-88904368
Email: ml@mlgzsb.com
Address: No. 78 Changzheng Road, Dongshu Village, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou City
Changzhou Mingliu Drying Equipment Co., Ltd .© All Rights Reserved.
